Thursday, March 27, 2008

Competency in major area of Study

When I first started attending classes at UAS I wasn't sure what I wanted to get out of my degree. I was ultimately just taking classes to take classes. Because of this, I was able to take a few communication classes, and, to my surprise, developed a fondness for the area of communications. I am now interested in obtaining a master degree in the communication field. Some of the skills I have learned are as follows:
  • Speech giving ability which has been molded from giving multiple speeches in my communications courses.
  • Organizational communication- developed through a class on organizational communication.
  • nterpersonal Communication- developed within a class on interpersonal communication, in which I learned how to communicate more proficiently with others.

If you are interested in seeing some of the work I have done in these areas you can follow the link provided.

Competency in Critical Thinking

I think that this competency is a close second to the communication competency in terms of importance and relevance. Being able to think critically about ideas or theories is crucial in making informed decisions. One of the most important aspects of this competency is the idea of interpretation. I have learned through my many communication classes that there are three parts involved in communication, which are known as the three P's: partisan, problematic, and partial. I use the perspective of the three Ps to break down, evaluate and interpret what a speaker or writer is saying. Some of the skills related to this competency that I have learned are as follows:

  • Evaluation- Having to evaluate my peers and give feedback about their ability to communicate effectively.
  • Interpretation - Learning how to correctly interpret what other people mean or are trying to get across.
  • Applying ideas and information - Applying what I have learned within the classroom to life outside the classroom.

Competency in Professional Behavior

Through having to deal with a professor who I consider to be one of the worst in the entire UA system I have learned a new meaning for the theory and application of professional behavior. What I find valuable about the goals of professional behavior is learning how to be civil with people from all walks of life. Even though I may not want to act professional towards some people, at times it is just better to swallow my pride. Some of the professional behavior skills I have developed include:

  • Dealing with irrational people- Sometime the toes you step on might be connected to the ass you have to kiss the next day.
  • Dealing with people with different beliefs - Since I have exited the Marine Corps I have really learned how to curb my desire to tell someone off because I don't agree with their beliefs.

Before attending college I would have disagreed with others in a very negative, unproductive way. Now I have become more willing to listen to what they have to say and also to evaluate their opinions and try to see their value, even if I don't agree with them.

Competency in Computer Usage

From the beginning of my college career I have been required to use a computer for just about every class. I have learned everything from new word processing procedures to different aspects of using digital media. From the capstone class alone I have learned how to make a movie using Windows Movie Maker and also how to publish certain kinds of documents, such as word processing documents and movies, on the internet. Some of the skills I learned include:

  • Posting documents on the web - I maintained a blog for the Humanities Capstone course, and from within my blog linked to media and other files posted on the internet.Imovie and Windows Movie maker- Created a movie about my personal beliefs in regards to the current issue with Iraq.
  • Using Imovie and Windows Movie maker - I created a movie about my personal beliefs in regards to the current issue with Iraq.
  • Microsoft Word, Power Point, and Excel- I developed many different assignments for many of my classes using these software packages.

These skills will be crucial to me because the world of work is reliant upon a work force that is accomplished in the use of computers.

Competency in Information Literacy

This competency has always been one that I have enjoyed meeting. I think there is nothing more exciting than being tasked with finding information about a particular research topic. At the University I have honed my information literacy skills into a very efficient process that provides me with an ample amount of resources for a research paper in minimal amount of time. In the course of meeting this competency, I have been required to utilize the library and online resources to obtain pertinent information for many of my classes. Some of the most exciting things I learned while meeting this competency during the degree process are as follows:

  • Internet research skills- Using the internet to find useful information about a certain topic.
  • Cautions about using wikipedia- Learned to not take everything on wikipedia literally.
  • New research methods for the library- Learning how to minimize my time spent in the library so I can actually begin writing my research paper.
  • Ability to weed through unimportant information- Learning how to weed out unimportant information and to find the exact information that I need to complete the task at hand.

These skills have helped me to prepare valuable presentations for many of my classes. An example of this can be seen by clicking the link provided.

Competency in Quantitavie Skills

Even though I have fought the idea of learning math for many years the math classes that I have taken through Sitka have given me a new appreciation of math. Even though I don't think math is really as important as the University stresses, it in is important in obtaining a BLA in General studies. Some of the things I have learned are as follows:
  • Analytical reasoning
  • College Algebra
  • Six step method for solving problems
I now have a new fondness for math because of the learning environment that I was in.

Comptency in Communication

I have become competent in my communication skills through attending many diverse classes at the University of Alaska. From being required to take classes in the communication field I have acquired a passion for learning more about communications as a theory.
  • Given many speeches
  • learned new skills on how to prepare and analyze speeches
Some of these skills can be seen in the following documents. I have prepared a couple of speech outlines for many of my communication classes. The first speech was about Marine Force Recon and the second speech was about why the Marine Corps is better than the Army. If you are interested in seeing either on of the outlines you can follow the links.